Thursday, June 12, 2008

Why I'm Not Married

The topic of "why I'm not married" is a common one amongst my single best friends. We laugh about it, joke about, make fun of each other for it..the works. I think I am the lucky one of the bunch however, because I know the probably number one reason why I'm not married or engaged. I'm not ready yet.

Tons of girls my age or a year older are engaged, already married, pregnant, already have a kid, you get the idea. Both of my best friends from high school are engaged, and one of my other best friends has a promise ring. I'm so excited for them! That is what is right for them, but that just isn't what is right for me personally. I have a lot of learning and growing left to do. I'm glad my Heavenly Father knows me perfectly and knows I still need time to prepare before he sends the right guy my way.


Tory and Elizabeth said...

Smart girl. When you are ready, that is when things happen the right way. Keep learning, growing, and traveling too (I want to hear more funny stories).

Jana said...

You are so right that there is no right age to be married. Ditto on what Elizabeth said.