Monday, October 26, 2009


I was talking to one of my best friends from elementary school today who is now in the Marines, and he told me this story, and it was so touching I had to share it. Prepare to get teary eyed.

He was in the Phillipines for part of their deployment and every morning a little 6 year old girl named Cameron would wait outside for my friend to give him lumpia (think egg roll). He would give her food, water and a little bit of money for her family. Sadly, an older kid found out and beat her up badly and stole her family's food for the week. I asked him if she was okay, and he said yes. He had their doctor look at her and patch up.

Then, I asked him how he got the food to give to her. I am all teary eyed just writing this.. He told me he gave them MREs, and that they love them down there. I said, "Yeah, but how did you get them?" This was his exact reply:
"They were my rations, I'd only eat like once a day there, and I'd give the rest of them to her."

Is that a hero, or what? Sometimes being a hero isn't about the huge things. It's an amazing reminder that Marines aren't just hardened killing machines..

Doesn't this make you want to donate to a food bank?